
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Episode 12: Raising Global Teens with Dr. Anisha Abraham MD
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Episode 11: Stop Chasing Pain with Dr Perry Nickleston DC
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Your Lymphatic system is probably the most under appreciated system in the body. Like most of us, we move through life without taking much consideration to how this system gets affected by everyday life.
Your Lymphatic system is a fluid filled vessel system sending immune cells to target tissues, that essentially pull the sludge/toxic debris/ out of the affected areas. You can consider that any change in tissue tension under chronic stress will eventually lead to stagnation in your lymphatic system which basically means you don't get better because you're not flushing out the toxicity/inflamed cell debris.
As Dr Perry describes on the podcast, the job of a knowledgeable practitioner in this area is to bring attention to the pain you didn't realize you had in order to help you heal the pain that won't leave you alone.
These areas of congestion are points of pain you didn't realize were there until you understand the lymphatic map and learn the process of clearing and moving this system. We also take for granted how much our emotional health depends on proper lymphatic flow, so dive into the show and learn how to Ignite your Health Freedom via Stop Chasing Pain!
Find out more at Dr Perry Nickleston's website here:
You can find him on Instagram here for a daily dose of Amazing information here:
One of our favorite pain recovery tools along with the lymphatic clearing are the Perfect Aminos. Get a bottle of your own here with the discount code DIVINE10 for 10% off: Perfect Aminos

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Episode 10: Cancer and EMF's with Dr Brandon LaGreca
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Brandon LaGreca, LAc, MAcOM, is a 2005 graduate of the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Wisconsin, and nationally certified in the practice of Oriental medicine (NCCAOM). He lives and works in East Troy, Wisconsin, where he directs an integrative medical clinic. Brandon is a thought leader in the synthesis of traditional and functional medicine, having written numerous articles on the subject. He is the author of the book “Cancer and EMF Radiation: How to Protect Yourself from the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution”.
In this episode, Dr LaGreca shares his own story with cancer and how that one diagnosis shifted his and his family's world. His ability to use his knowledge and tools helped him become cancer free within 8 months of his diagnosis. Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen get into the story behind the diagnosis. The causes, the emotions, the fears.
Taking a deeper dive into our environmental toxins, including EMFs. What they do to our bodies, how we can reduce our exposure, and some tools you can implement today to support your wellbeing.
Find more information on Brandon LaGreca below: https://brandonlagreca.com/

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Episode 9:Andreas Seed Oils: From Olympian to Cold Press Oil Champion
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
In this episode Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen talk to founder of Andrea's Seed Oil, Andrea Wecker. He shares his story of how he came to create these organic, pressed, nutritive oils with a technology that out performs any other. A former olympic gymnast to a man on a mission to change the health of others through the use of real, pure, pressed oils. His own journey with Crohn's disease and his ability to support himself naturally gave him the inspiration to share this secret with the world.
Andreas educates us on the idea that not all oils are created the same and what to look out for when shopping and cooking. He ties the story between our cells, our mitochondria and the importance of using the right oils to support membranes and communication in the body.
Dive into the reasons why healthy fats are what are needed to create healthy cells and live a healthy life!
Link and discount code below!
Discount code: Jensen20 for 20% off first order
More about Andreas here:

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
What are polarities and how can we use them to understand ourselves and others more deeply? Imagine a world where we learn to live with our contradictions instead of fighting against them in a sludge of shame and guilt. Perhaps that anger we feel can be used to finish a task. Or that depression that can knock us down is there to support us.
We see contradictions everywhere, we see our parents navigating their lives in a way where they may have behaved in one way and all of a sudden another. Confusing, yes, and yet it is also a gift. A gift to understand all angles of a human being. A gift to understand that everything isn't black and white. A gift that learning to be flexile will create nourishing and enriching relationships.
In this episode, the doctors talk about their own contradiction and polarities and all they have learned. They will also give you tools to start tapping into your own ability to use your multiple polarities to serve you and your life.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Episode 7: Fish Oil Myth: building healthy cell membranes with Brian Peskin
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen interview Brian Peskin on the facts and myths around fish oil. We have all been told the benefits of taking fish oils, but are we doing more harm than good? Are we destroying the cell membranes and the very aspects of our bodies that help us thrive?
Prof. Brian Peskin is a theoretical research scientist specializing in lipids-based pharmacognosy—a class of drug derived from plant-based sources; specifically, seed oils. A notable benefit with this approach is the minimization / elimination of harmful side effects. He focuses specifically on the modulation of physiologically targeted essential fatty acids (EFAs) — termed Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) — and their eicosanoid metabolites. He is a translational science expert with a long-term interest in diabetes and its underlying pathophysiology. In 2002, he began extensive research on the relationship of PEOs and their metabolites to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Prof.Peskin’s work is focused on pathways that maximize oxygen delivery and blood flow to the human cell and maximizing tissue functionality.
A former electrical engineer, Prof. Peskin founded the field of Life-Systems Engineering Science in 1995 – bringing the “cause-effect” accountability of engineering into the life sciences. Focus is on supporting and optimizing the patient's natural physiologic processes—not blocking or impeding metabolic pathways. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, the results are novel, highly effective treatment for specific chronic diseases / disorders across diverse patient populations.
You can find more of Brian Peskin's work below. https://brianpeskin.com/

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Episode 6: Engineering Parenting and creating resilient children
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
As parents of two boys, both Drs Nick and Sonya look for ways to better connect and understand how to create self motivated, resilient, and kind children. The task isn't always easy so getting some guidance from those that have been there before and have tools to share to make their life easier as parents is a necessary step in their parenting journey.
They interviewed Sue Groner, a mother of two young adults who knows how stressful and overwhelming parenting can be at times. She founded The Parenting Mentor to provide an ally for parents in their quest to raise confident and resilient children. Sue is also the creator of the CLEARR™ method of parenting, developed through years of trial (and her fair share of errors!) with her own family. CLEARR™ adheres to the belief that parenting strategies should be grounded in six important pillars: Communication, Love, Empathy, Awareness, Rules, and Respect. This has become the cornerstone of her practice as The Parenting Mentor.
wrote Parenting with Sanity and Joy to provide clear, easy instructions about how to handle yourself as a parent without sucking the joy out of the parenting journey - a lesson she learned the hard way after second-guessing every parenting decision she made as a young mother.
Knowing that most parents have trouble finding precious moments of “me” time in a typical day, Sue designed Parenting with Sanity and Joy to be an easy-to-read, pick-up-every-now-and-then guide that may help parents look at their parenting style in a different light. The book offers practical, actionable tips that can help parents improve their approach while helping their children feel safe, loved, and to grow up to be confident, capable, caring adults. In the book, she outlines simple tips that are meant to help parents relax and find more enjoyment on the route to raising resilient, self-sufficient young adults - in the uncertainty of recent events and beyond.
Through her accessible, non-judgmental approach to parenting, Sue offers effective strategies that do not suck the joy out of being a parent, with topics including:
Parenting Golden Rules - From turning off your phone, doing something for yourself, to avoiding bragging about your child or disciplining other children.
Life Skills - Teaching your kids how to hydrate, how to use an alarm clock, how to do their own laundry, how to be patient, etc.
Family Time - Making room for cherishing your time together as a family by creating new traditions, celebrating important milestones, trying something new,and even scheduling a regular call with distant family members.
Perspective and Judgement - Practicing an accepting attitude over small mistakes, avoiding comparing your children to others, having realistic expectations, and steering clear of judgemental parents.
Food and Dining - Branching out from the kids menu, letting your kids order their own meals, having your children participate in meal-prep and clean-up, and having family dinner often.
Gratitude and Attitude - Practicing empathy with your children when they do not get what they want, engaging family service projects and donations, and modeling gratitude for your kids to follow.
Rules and Respect - Saying NO with conviction, setting boundaries, speaking eye-to-eye with your children over an important conversation, and letting your kids help make the rules.
Forbidden Phrases - Some of these include “What did you do in school today?”, “Leave me alone”, “Go to your room”, and “What were you thinking?”
Book link below:

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Episode 5: A New Perspective on Love Languages with Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
The five love languages have been a great way for couples to get a deeper understanding of each other. Not only can it support couples, but parents, leaders, and co workers.
In this discussion both Drs Nick and Sonya get vulnerable with each others love language and the challenges they have faced with them. A new insight and shift in perspective may just be the key to not feeling "not enough" in your relationships. Understanding why we may resist certain ways of expressing ourselves can help unlock deeper programming that could reignite a connection with yourself and others.
Some discussion points:
1. Is it really the responsibility of the other to make one feel loved?
2. How can we show up to support people in our lives while still honouring our own expression?
3. Could knowing love languages change the way we all relate to each other?
4. Could the art of receiving be the real answer?
Take the quiz below and find your love language!

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Join Drs Nicholas and Sonya Jensen as they interview Drs Jason and Melissa Sonners about the benefits of oxygen and how it may just be the missing link we all need.
There are several factors that can influence your ability to utilize oxygen to deliver nutrients, heal tissues, and improve overall energy, memory, and so much more. Not only has this Vitamin O been helpful in treating nerve pain, foot drop, and lyme, as Drs Sonners will share in their personal story, it can vastly improve the environment in your body to make you a bad host to any bugs that may be causing harm!
Learn everyday hacks and what you can control in your environment to optimize you bodies ability to be healthy, vital and resilient.
See more from Drs Sonners here: https://hbotusa.com/
Dr Jason Sonners's Book: Oxygen Under Pressure: Using Hyperbaric Oxygen to Restore Health, Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Aging and Revolutionize Health Care

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Episode 3:Busting Vulnerability Myths with Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Drs Nick and Sonya speak to what vulnerability is and how it affects relationships and so many other aspects of our lives. They dive deep into the myths around vulnerability and how there have been imprints of beliefs from previous generations that have held us back from knowing our authentic selves.
This disconnect affects our relationships with other and ourselves. It even impacts how we show up in our work and how we ca create self sabotage even in moments of joy.
There is an addiction to suffering that inhibits growth in our lives. By busting the vulnerability myths we can express better versions of ourselves giving permission for others around us to do the same.