
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Episode 22: PMS, Libido, and Relationships with Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
In this week's episode you get a glimpse into Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen's discoveries of how a woman's monthly cycle can impact her body, how she feels about herself and her relationships. From times of high libido to low, and how to get a better understanding of what is happening during the month so you don't feel like there is something wrong with you, but instead you are tuning into your unique hormonal blueprint.
Those monthly cravings, those shifts in mood, even the change in how you see the world, all have a reason behind them. The doctors get into their own personal relationship and what has worked for them in understanding themselves so they can better understand each other.
See more about the docs and their programs below:
Social Media:

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Episode 21: Momma, you are enough with Dr Claire Nicogossian
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
On this episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen sit down with Dr. Claire Nicogossian, a licensed clinical psychologist and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University for an important conversation about thriving in motherhood by embracing our shadow emotions.
Dr. Claire shares her insights about navigating the sometimes difficult space of motherhood with compassion for the entirety of the experience, including the inevitable (and natural) moments of worry, fear and anxiety. We discuss tools for supporting ourselves and our partner as we support our children in their own growth and development, understanding that self care, patience, humility and forgiveness must be extended to ourselves and not only to our loved ones in order to find this balance. Dr. Claire reminds us that “a healthy, happy mother is the greatest gift to a child”, and that we can only show up this way by offering ourselves the grace and acceptance to be exactly as we are, honouring both the immense beauty and the many challenges of motherhood.
Discover how to create calm, joy and confidence within the chaos of motherhood with Dr. Claire’s book, Mama, You Are Enough: https://momswellbeing.com/ and follow her on Instagram @momswellbeing
Join our online community:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/divineelementshealth
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/divineelementsnd/
Web - https://divineelements.ca/
Health Ignited Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/health-ignited/id1522071603

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Episode 20: Guru Singh Master Yogi on our Relationship to Death, Rage and Grief
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Guru Singh is a highly sought after individual for the insight, depth of experience and knowledge that he shares. We are constantly in awe has he shares his wisdom and brilliance. His articulation of the human condition will leave you feeling inspired and wanting more. He has an incredible way of bringing awareness to the suffering of the mind.
So many of us find ourselves trapped in the emotion of life, instead of releasing these heavy emotions we define ourselves by them and see the world through the lens of them. Over time we fail to realize the connection between our beliefs and the health of our body.
Finding freedom from our emotions and with our emotions we can create new levels of awareness, health and understanding about the challenges we face.
Join us on a discussion as we make room for the rage we can experience in life, and how to move through fear/change and the grieving process as those who are close to us pass on and as the world around us constantly changes.
To find out more about this Amazing Human, Yogi, Singer/Songwriter, Author and so much more check out:
Guru Singh podcast: https://podcast.gurusingh.com
Kundalini University: https://www.kundaliniuniversity.com
Guru Singh Website: https://www.gurusingh.com

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Episode 19: Mammas for Mammas with Andrea Delf
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Being a Mom brings so many joys, laughter and a whole new level of commitment. It also brings a host of new challenges to navigate physically, emotionally and spiritually.
It is commonplace that mom can lose herself in the role, put her kids before herself. This happens to the best of us, just imagine the challenge it is for single Moms (and Dads) and those without community and support.
Mammas for Mammas is that place for Moms in these situations. Whether Mom is having difficulty with doing it all, difficulty with finances, lack of support or just needs someone to connect and listen.
Andrea Delf and the team at Mammas for Mammas lead with the heart in this non-profit organization. It will tug at your heart strings and will have you asking, how can I help?
Sometimes all it takes is some help with diapers and a little extra food for the month. For others, it's a gift of time at the hair salon to just feel like yourself again. There are many ways to support!
to find out more check out the local branch:https://www.mamasformamas.org/vancouver/
They have also set up local FB communities to engage and help

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Episode 18: Health Freedom with Dr Jason Hughes
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen interview one of their mentors, Dr Jason Hughes ND about fear and how it can affect your immune system.
Could your fears, old beliefs, and societal pressures dictate your physiology?
What if you allowed yourself to see all sides and had the capacity to not hold onto your opinions and beliefs that were implanted in you by others so tightly? Imagine the freedom your mind and body would feel. Imagine how expansive and abundant your cells, your body, and your mind would feel with all that heavy weight of old patterns lifted away. How about we choose health and we choose freedom to think and love with an open mind and heart!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Episode 17: Vaccine Optimization with Dr Taylor Bean ND
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
In this episode, Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen interview their colleague, Dr Taylor Bean, a leader in the Naturopathic community leading the conersation around vaccines.
Dr Taylor's journey into this area of medicine has lead her to create awareness around vaccine optimization and the importance of having supportive and informed conversations around this very sensitive topic.
She takes us through a journey a family may go through when learning more about this topic and their children. Dr Taylor emphasizes the importance of allowing parents the space to ask all the questions so they can make informed decisions for their families. She covers common questions regarding vaccines and all the options available to you and your family.
You can learn more about Dr Taylor at

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Episode 16: A Journey through Recovery with Dr Aaron Van Gaver
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
This week we continue the conversation around recovery with Dr Aaron Van Gaver, a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Ontario, Canada.
Dr Van Gaver opens up about his own journey and how that has allowed him to have the lens of compassion for those who are also on the journey of recovery. His vulnerability and willingness to share his own experience opens a safe place for all of us to reflect on our own patterns and habits that create a story of addiction in our lives. Whether with food, alcohol, shopping, or the many other ways we try to cope with our fears and traumas.
More on Dr Van Gaver Below:

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Episode 15: Relationships in Recovery with Tommy Rosen and Kia Miller
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
This weeks episode is all about relationships. We touch on what relationship is like when you are supporting someone in recovery and how compassion for self can help support the other. We dive into the world of co-dependancy and how we can shift that state to one of respect, kindness, and love. Both Tommy Rosen and Kia Miller are amazing teachers and model for us the work it takes to move through life in a healthy relationship.
Tommy Rosen is a yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last two decades immersed in recovery and wellness. He holds advanced certifications in both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga and has 29 years of continuous recovery from drug addiction.
Tommy is the founder of the Recovery 2.0 Global Community, the Recovery 2.0 Online Conference series and the Recovery 2.0 Group Coaching Program.
He leads Yoga retreats and workshops internationally and presents regularly at yoga conferences and festivals.
Tommy’s first book, Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life, was published by Hay House in 2014.
Tommy Rosen and his wife, yoga teacher Kia Miller, live in Topanga, CA where they grow organic vegetables in their backyard.
Kia Miller imparts her radiant spirit and joy for life in her yoga classes, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings throughout the world. Kia has spent over 2 decades studying and practicing. Trained in both Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, Kia offers an inspiring and powerful combination of asana, breath, meditation and chanting that leaves students uplifted and empowered. Her classes will provoke and elevate you to discover new realms of energy and inspire you to experience the joy of going beyond barriers in your own practice and life.
Both are amazing individuals and as a couple. More information on both Tommy and Kia below.
Recovery 2.0 Book:

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
This week Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen interview Drew Manning. You may have heard of him in 2011 when he purposely gained weight by eating a standard american diet, to sho the world how harmful this processed food can be. His biggest motivation was to understand his clients as a personal trainer so he can help support them on their heakth journey. Well fast forward to 2020 and he's doing it again. This time Fit2Fat240! With a different lens and understanding he is navigating and teaching on diets such as "dirty" vegan, "dirty" keto, and many more.
In this episode the doctors bring in Drew and his partner Julie Freed to talk about the impacts of food and health on relationships, with yourself and your partner. This is a powerful episode we all need to hear. It is clear it is not just about the food. It is about our relationship to it and how it affects every aspect of our lives!
Drew is a health and fitness expert Drew Manning is the New York Times best-selling author of Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose and has for years been a leading voice in the burgeoning Keto Diet movement.
Drew is also the creator of the A&E Show Fit to Fat to Fit and the host of The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience podcast. With over a million social media followers, Drew continues to transform people’s lives all around the world.
Known for his straightforward and empathetic fitness and health coaching, Drew has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, CNN, Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, The View, and MSNBC, among other media outlets.
He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his daughters, who remind him every day not to take things too seriously.
Follow their journey on instagram and facebook and see what a difference how we choose to feed our bodies makes!
Get his book "Complete Keto" here: https://amzn.to/38EcuZk
More on Drew Below:

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
We may all know someone in pain, and someone who has been put on addictive opiates that may temporarily take the pain, but leave behind feelings of dependancy and addiction. This week Drs Nick and Sonya Jensen dive into the reality of this very relationship and the use of Cannabis.
They interview Dr. Sherry Yafai MD who is a Cannabis and Emergency Medicine physician at Providence St. John’s Medical Center since 2009. Dr. Yafai started her medical career at UCSD Medical School graduating in 2005 and UCSD Emergency Medicine Residency in 2009. In 2017, after recreational marijuana laws had passed in California, Dr. Yafai opened her private Cannabis Clinic, the ReLeaf Institute, where she sees patients referred by physicians for cannabis education and treatment. Roughly 75% of her patients are over the age of 50 and prefer to use non-smokable Cannabis products.
This is an episode we all needed! More information below.
Watch the documentary here: https://amzn.to/3dNOrHU
Join us in our tribe @ www.drsjensen.com
Remember to rate, write and review, and share! We need this information to get out there into the world for more healing.