
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
We were thrilled to welcome Spencer Feldman to the Health Ignited podcast this week to talk about detox, suppositories and electron health. Spencer has been designing and manufacturing detoxification products for over 20 years, creating immediate and effective solutions to navigate the challenges we find ourselves in with an increasingly toxic world.
When Spencer went through a period of being unwell, he was motivated to seek answers outside of the traditional medical establishments. As he learned more about the existing detox options at that time, he began to create new products for himself, and then for others.
In this episode, Spencer delves into different aspects of the detox process as well as potential challenges people might encounter along the way, and why. He explains why he focused on creating a number of different suppositories for specific types of detox and how they work, and also breaks down how oxalate crystals can affect your health and the impact of diet (particularly with the foods you combine and how you prepare them) on the production of oxalates in the body. Be sure to listen through to the end to discover some interesting information about the relationship of electrons to our bodies!
Head over to https://remedylink.com/ref/75/ to explore Spencer’s various detox products, including gall bladder flushes, liver flushes, parasite flushes, coffee enemas, castor oil packs, bitters, chelation and more!
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Friday Jun 04, 2021
Episode 31: Exploring the Mouth-Body Connection with Dr. Gerry Curatola
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen welcome Dr. Gerry Curatola, a renowned biologic restorative dentist with more than 35 years of clinical practice experience to. He is the creator of one of our favourite natural personal care products, Revitin toothpaste, and is best known for his innovations and influence on cosmetic dentistry, his approach to whole body wellness, and his frequent contributions to popular shows including The Martha Stewart Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, and AOL Health. Dr. Curatola is also the author of The Mouth-Body Connection, The 28-Day Program to Create a Healthy Mouth, Reduce Inflammation and Prevent Disease Throughout the Body.
This is an illuminating conversation about the bi-directional relationship between the health of your mouth and your body through a range of topics, including: toxicity in the environment, diet, and common dental implants and fillings; the importance of nurturing the “good” microbes that make up the microbiome; airway health and its relationship to obstructive sleep apnea; the difference between 3D cone beam X-rays and classic 2D X-rays; and the importance of holistic dentistry, particularly for pregnant women and children. Dr. Curatola shares a wealth of information in this podcast, and he has truly impacted the way we approach mouth health and the connection to the body in our own practice.
Follow Dr. Gerry Curatola on Instagram: @drgerrycuratola and @rejuvenationhealth
To learn more about his practice with biologic restorative dentistry, visit his site: https://www.rejuvdentist.com/
You can purchase his book, The Mouth-Body Connection on Amazon, and order Revitin, his safe and natural oral therapy and tooth care here.
If you’d like to watch the recorded podcast on YouTube, please subscribe to our channel!

Thursday May 27, 2021
Episode 30: Dr Mindy Pelz's tips and tools for thriving in Menopause
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen chat with Dr. Mindy Pelz, nutrition and functional medicine expert, about the physical and emotional journey of moving through the different hormonal stages of a woman’s life, as well as her personal experience with menopause and how she’s worked through her own challenges and celebrated her triumphs along the way.
With an inspiring 26-year career as a recognized leader in the alternative health world, Dr. Mindy Pelz has been empowering people all over the world to believe in their body’s own healing abilities through fasting, diet variation, removing chemicals from the body, and making healthy lifestyle choices. In this episode, we talk about various approaches to fasting and the best methods to implement for hormone support, as well as a woman’s experience with grief, joy, change, relationships, shifting perspectives and listening closely to the body’s messages to get to know, love and support ourselves better as we move through these hormonal shifts. Tune in to this uplifting and informative episode to learn the top five changes Dr. Mindy made through her perimenopausal years and recommends to other women who might be struggling with the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause.
Dr. Mindy Pelz is the founder of the Reset Academy, the host of one of the leading science podcasts, The Resetter Podcast, and the author of three best-selling books: The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Kitchen. You can learn more about Dr. Mindy Pelz at https://drmindypelz.com/, follow her on instagram @dr.mindypelz, and purchase her latest book, The Menopause Reset, at https://www.amazon.ca/Menopause-Reset-Symptoms-Younger-Again/dp/1950367991

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Episode 29: Dr. Carrie Jones shares how to hack your hormones with testing
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Carrie Jones, functional medicine women's health and hormone doctor with a passion for educating, empowering and entertaining her patients and the public. She believes in the importance of both men and women understanding their hormones in a simplified manner so they can feel more empowered to take control of their own health, especially when they are told everything is "normal" but they don't feel "normal." Dr. Carrie Jones is currently the Medical Director for Precision Analytical Inc, creators of the most cutting edge hormone test on the market, the DUTCH Test; in this podcast, she explains how this test works and who can benefit from the information it provides.
The complexity of hormones and the ways in which they interact with each other and the body’s other systems can feel like an impossible puzzle at times. In this interview, we discuss the various male and female sex hormones and their function, as well as stress hormones and how they’re all related. Dr. Carrie Jones explains the different symptoms that might occur when the endocrine system is out of balance and how we can use various diagnostic tests to determine both the levels and the pathways of these important hormonal communicators, helping us to better understand our symptoms and what we can do to address them.
We also discuss the impact of lifestyle stressors and traumatic events on hormones and how this can impact a child in utero as well as through important developmental stages. Additionally, Dr. Carrie Jones shares some of her favourite natural remedies for combatting stress and balancing sleep patterns. If you’ve ever felt confused about your own hormones or noticed someone you love struggling with theirs, you don’t want to miss this episode!
You can learn more about Dr. Carrie Jones on her website: http://www.drcarriejones.com/

Thursday May 13, 2021
Episode 28: Fit to Fat to Fit at 40 with Drew Manning
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Drew Manning is back! On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen welcome Drew Manning back to discuss the final outcomes of his incredible weight gain and loss experiment and ask him to share some of the important lessons he learned this time around.
Over the course of four months, Drew adopted a diet full of processed foods (eating up to 7,500 calories a day) and also stopped exercising, all in an effort to see how much weight he’d put on with this lifestyle. With this approach, Drew gained over 60 pounds and saw a drastic change in his overall health and wellbeing. He then spent the next four months experimenting with different dietary approaches and resuming a regular exercise routine, losing all of the weight he’d gained and achieving 4.5% body fat by the end of his program. Why would he do this on purpose? Empathy - Drew wanted to gain the lived experience necessary to properly understand the challenges faced by some of his clients.
The first time he put himself through this experiment, he was 31 years old. This time around, Drew had a better understanding of his body, leaning into the dietary and exercise practices that worked well for him; however, he stresses the importance of listening to your body and investing in recovery, having experienced more difficulty with this during his most recent fitness journey almost 10 years following the initial experiment.
In this episode, we discuss the complexities of emotional eating and why so many people become addicted to food, goal setting and the importance of learning how to fall in love with the process rather than being attached to the outcomes, practices that support healthy lifestyle changes and training ourselves to become more resilient, and the medical impact that unhealthy eating can have on the body even over very short time periods.
Tune in to this episode to gain some insight on the emotional and physiological impacts of gaining and losing weight, and the importance of self love and empathy while moving through challenging experiences.
Learn more about Drew’s journey from fit to fat to fit at 40 and sign up for the exact fitness program he used to lose the weight and restore his health: https://fit2fat2fit.com/

Thursday May 06, 2021
Episode 27: Learning about Montessori with Simone Davies
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen interview Montessori Teacher, Author, Workshop Leader and Blogger, Simone Davies about her experience with Montessori and advice for incorporating these principles and approaches into our own homes.
In this discussion, Simone shares insight into the history of Montessori, the four planes of development (as outlined by Dr. Montessori), empowering methods for communicating trust and appreciation to our children, the concept of acknowledgment versus praise, and tips for bringing the practices of Montessori teaching into our homes.
The Montessori method of teaching is built on self-directed activity, collaborative play and hands-on, practical learning. It emphasizes independence and supports and celebrates individuality. Simone shares that her main message for children and families is to be authentically yourself; she elaborates that Montessori is about accepting every child exactly as they are, as well as learning to respect others for their differences.
The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies has over 200,000 copies in print and is helping families around the globe with children between one and three years to bring Montessori principles into their home. On May 11, 2021, The Montessori Baby (co-writtten with Junnifa Uzodike) will be added to the collection, which focuses on the developmental period from conception through the first year. Preorder now on www.themontessorinotebook.com to receive some amazing bonuses!
Find Simone Davies online:
Web: www.themontessorinotebook.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themontessorinotebook
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themontessorinotebook/

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya discuss the intricate relationships between our hormones, mental health, nutrition and self care practices. This conversation provides an overview on the effect of trauma, chronic stress, and an imbalanced diet on our physiological responses, as well as an invitation to more closely observe your experience in order to deepen your understanding of the relationship between your own body and mind.
Our thoughts, feelings, and expectations of ourselves and others can become cumbersome and dictate far too much of our experience when we begin to heavily identify with them. Emotional reactivity and activation of the fight or flight response will ultimately signal the release of different hormones (cortisol, for one), and can also begin to deplete those more grounding, nurturing hormones (like progesterone for women), creating an imbalance in the body. The doctors also discuss the long-term impacts of using different SSRIs and antidepressants, which interfere with testosterone and progesterone, as well as our deep sleep brain waves that help us to move through life with more ease and joy. Additionally, it is not uncommon for menopausal women to be misdiagnosed with depression or anxiety while going through menopause, as the natural shifts in hormone production can affect mood, energy levels and motivation.
Many of us will gravitate toward comfort food when facing life’s challenges. Emotional eating might feel like a comfort blanket in the moment, but when we too frequently reach for foods that are over processed, high sugar, or contain high fructose corn syrup, the gut microbiome becomes affected by an overgrowth of certain microbes, altering brain physiology and epigenetic signalling in the gut and brain. The resulting inflammatory response will affect our choices and behaviour (by influencing neuropeptides in the brain); the body will then be tasked with managing this inflammation and won’t be able to focus as much energy on repair and growth.
This emotional and physiological interplay can be quite complex, and it’s for these reasons that Drs. Nick and Sonya want to encourage us to be mindful observers of our complete experience, rather than making assumptions about what these responses say about us at a deeper level. Fortunately, there are tools and practices available to all of us (getting out in nature, connecting with loved ones, meditation and breath work) that can influence our state of consciousness and help us to feel less impacted by the ups and downs of our emotional experience. Tune into this valuable talk on parts of the human experience that impact all of us in our own unique ways, viewing the relationship of hormones, nutrition and mental health through a holistic, naturopathic lens.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Episode 25: A Guide to Successful Relationships with Julie Turner, Hypnotherapist
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya talk to Julie Turner, Hypnotherapist, Speaker and Coach, about navigating relationships with ourselves and others, fostering healthy communication, and showing up openly and authentically in all of our interactions.
Having worked as a hairdresser and making house calls for families, Julie observed different relational dynamics and became fascinated with the various layers of these relationships. She developed a curiosity about the ways people communicate with each other and why some approaches seemed to encourage healthy connection while others pushed people apart. Julie was inspired to take a number of courses (in nutrition, counselling, business, coaching and hypnotherapy) with the goal of better understanding these dynamics, and she now helps individuals from all walks of life improve their wellbeing and develop strategies for creating happier, more nurturing relationships with their loved ones.
In this episode, we discuss healthy communication tools and practices, the similarities between hypnotherapy and meditation, the importance of transparency and neutrality when relating to others, how intuition breaks down the rigidity caused by expectations and assumptions, and the relationship between the physical and emotional bodies when understanding (and ultimately releasing) the pain we carry.
You can learn more about Julie Turner and explore her inspiring videos, podcasts and courses at https://julieturner.ca/

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Episode 24: Signs and Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance in Women and Men
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, Drs. Nick and Sonya Jensen discuss the different ways that estrogen dominance can present depending on age, gender, environment, lifestyle habits, and a number of other influences.
Our personal hormonal imprint changes as we move through different stages of life and can also be impacted various external factors - toxicity, diet, exogenous hormones, and traumas will all impact the communication of our hormones and the ways they interact with our other biological systems.
Drs. Nick and Sonya remind us that there are many layers to hormone health, which makes it very important to focus on developing greater awareness around our unique experience with mood changes, energy levels, emotional reactions, sleep patterns, and the overall way we find ourselves moving through life, so that we can better understand the way our hormones are affecting us.
The doctors address different options for determining and addressing hormonal imbalances through testing, detox protocols, and lifestyle changes to seek more harmony with our hormones and find more vitality at all stages of our lives.
If you found this episode insightful and would like to learn more about the topics we touched on today, be sure to subscribe to the Health Ignited Podcast so you don’t miss future episodes where we’ll go into more detail on the many layers of hormone health.
Learn more:

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Episode 23: Mastering Adversity with Lance Essihos
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited podcast, Drs Nick and Sonya interviewed Lance Essihos about adversity, resilience, healing, sitting with the shadow, and using the lessons from our experiences of grief and pain to transform our lives into something more beautiful and whole. We talk to Lance about how he came to live in a place of trust in his journey, overcoming the obstacles of self doubt and false narratives, and what it means to believe in yourself and honour your truth. This is a powerful conversation about learning how to listen to your inner voice so you can serve your higher self and stay focused on your biggest goals.
Lance Essihos is the host of University of Adversity podcast, which has ranked Top 50 on iTunes Worldwide and the Top #5 in Entrepreneur Magazine’s 20 Podcasts That Will Help You Grow in 2020 List - listen to it here: https://universityofadversity.captivate.fm/
Get his new book, Mastering Adversity, which will help you go from living your life in the backseat as a victim, into the driver seat of empowerment - you can preorder it here: https://lanceessihos.com/#book
Follow Lance on:
Instagram https://instagram.com/lance.essihos?igshid=1l89dqz6k6h4j
Facebook https://m.facebook.com/universityofadversity
Twitter https://lnk.bio/go?d=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FEssihosLance&hash=d7485711be80c9add178ad8e8b0624ee&timezone=America%2FNew_York&ext=-1199117&type=3&platform=SOCIAL_TW